
I’m a lifelong learner with a solid formal education (BA Hons American Studies, University of Sheffield 2001, first class honours) and an interest in almost everything.

I learn from things I do and observe. Then I add to this with courses, workshops, reading, listening, and discussion.

For me, learning is as constant and vital a process as breathing.

Courses & workshops

Game Changer Intensive

Pachamama Alliance ~ online with weekly discussion groups
June–August 2022

  • Motivation: To do something about the climate crisis.
  • Growth: New appreciation of how the world as we know it works, the possibilities for change and the shift in mindset needed to transform the human relationship to the rest of life on this planet.
  • Use: A springboard for continued learning and an inspiration for action – I joined progressive political movement DiEM25 and local housing co-op Sostre Civic.

Read this post on my blog for more about my experience.

UX Writing Fundamentals

UX Writers Collective ~ online with tutor support
January–June 2021

  • Motivation: To update my writing skills for the digital age.
  • Growth: A deep understanding of the processes used and the thinking behind the content design of user-centred digital products.
  • Use: I know how to use my words to craft effective user experiences, giving personality to apps or websites that both guides users and supports brand voice.

Introduction to Web Accessibility

W3Cx ~ online
April–May 2021

  • Motivation: Because there should be no barriers online; the possibilities offered by the internet must be available to everyone.
  • Growth: It has opened my eyes to all the different ways people interact with the web.
  • Use: My approach to writing for digital products is inclusive of all possible users, and I will be a champion of accessibility when working with designers and developers.

Foundations of Deep Culture Learning

Japan Intercultural Institute ~ 2-day workshop
February 2020 

  • Motivation: To explore, with one of the leading thinkers in the field, how the mind deals with language and cultural contrasts.
  • Growth: Deeper insights into how cultural background affects our thinking and what happens psychologically when we are faced with different and unfamiliar cultures.
  • Use: It has given depth to my language teaching, and increased self-knowledge.

Training & Facilitation Bootcamp

Indiálogo, Barcelona ~ 5-day workshop
April/May 2019

  • Motivation: To enhance my teaching skills with theory and techniques from training and facilitation.
  • Growth: Theory and practice of workshop design, plus lots of reflection on how to facilitate group learning. I was also introduced to intercultural communication.
  • Use: I have used some of the approaches when designing my lessons, transforming me from language teacher to learning facilitator.

TEFL Certification

TEFL Iberia, Barcelona ~ 4-week face-to-face
November 2016

  • Motivation: To learn how to teach my native language.
  • Growth: How to explain English to a language learner. I learned theories of teaching and learning, and observed practice gave me valuable feedback on my teaching technique.
  • Use: The training was a solid foundation for teaching English professionally. It gave me a deeper awareness of English and language learning in general. 

Postgraduate Diploma Counselling & Psychotherapy

Leeds Beckett University, UK ~ part-time

  • Motivation: To become a qualified psychotherapist.
  • Growth: Theory in psychology, human relations, and talking therapies. Reflective practice of person-centred counselling, using the three pillars of empathy, congruence, and unconditional positive regard. Self-analysis and introspection.
  • Use: I didn’t finish the course, but everything I learned has infused my life since: self-knowledge and acceptance means I interact with the world without fear or judgement.

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Life experience

Alison Geldart Editorial Ltd 2005–2015

After being made redundant from an events marketing job, I leapt into the unknown and set up on my own. Over a decade, I built a solid reputation as a freelance writer, editor, and proofreader. Running my own business developed my self-reliance and adaptability, and I learnt about the importance of building and maintaining connections. Keeping everything very organized enabled me to manage multiple projects for a collection of different clients, as well as keep on top of the administration involved in running a company.

Magic Lantern Film Club 2011–2015

A yearning to be more involved with where I lived and do something different was the spark behind Magic Lantern. I met Mel, we met Jen, we all loved cinema and had ideas. We started with a few screenings on borrowed equipment, found an audience, grew a following, inspired each other and created a pop-up cinema!

For nearly 5 years we held a film screening (legally and on increasingly better equipment) every month, more or less, in different venues and with extra activities related to the film. I learnt about working with the community, finding spontaneous solutions, taking advantage of serendipity, and – most of all – the value of collaboration. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of our first screening, we made a Google map that catalogues all our events.

Moving to a different country 2015

In my experience, people are kind and welcoming to an émigré like me in a place like Barcelona. Nevertheless, it wasn’t easy to start again in a different culture, and have to do everything in a foreign language. Simple activities like going to the hairdresser or dentist become a daunting challenge. But it’s really humbling. Discovering that there are other ways of navigating life’s everyday needs is eye-opening. I’ve learnt that I am resilient and resourceful, and also that you take yourself with you wherever you end up!

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